The Issues Matter
"As a parent, grandparent and retired teacher with 32 years of experience in Laramie County School District 1, these are the issues I feel are most important, but above all else, I always want to hear what's important to you." -Shelia Kistler

Return to Traditional, Factual Education
We need to stick to the basic subjects and stay away from woke indoctrination programs. School board trustees, as well as parents and taxpayers must take a more active role in reviewing curriculum materials.

School Safety
Physical safety of the LCSD1 staff and students must be a major priority. Protection from indoctrination must also be something we protect our kids and staff from.

Cultivate Positive Relationships
Teachers, parents and administration must work together to communicate in a positive manner in order to provide a quality education for all children. No one should feel scared or intimidated to communicate their views. No one should feel like the public education system is a dictatorship, rather it should feel like a professional collaborative relationship.

Open & Free Communication
Every single taxpayer deserves to be heard especially where education is concerned. Taxation requires representation and I want to represent every single person! Whether teacher, administrator, parent, grandparent or a taxpayer (without kids in the district); YOUR VOICE MATTERS!

Parental Rights & Responsibilities
I believe legal parental rights should never be infringed upon. I also believe that parental responsibility must be a priority for a successful education for every child.